
Festivals, Traditions and Cultural Activities

San Vicenç Fair - Fire our origin

San Vicenç Fair - Fire our origin

Celebración: festividad de San Vicenç

(January 26 to 28, 2024)

The San Vicenç Fair – Fire our origin, has taken place since 1565 at a commercial exchange point of an agricultural nature in l’Espluga de Francolí. Throughout the weekend it includes a multi-sector agricultural offer, with local products and crafts. We can also find other events such as popular lunches, a space dedicated to crafts, workshops for children, exhibitions, conferences, concerts and events with the participation of Esplugin entities.

Casalet Cycle Kits

Casalet Cycle Kits

Celebration: from January to June

Casalet Kids is a series of theatre, music, clowning, puppets, cinema, storytelling… designed for family audiences, at the Casal theater or at the Casalet de l’Espluga theater in Francolí.


Gaudí Film Series

Gaudí Film Series

Celebration: From January to June

The Gaudí Cycle is a project promoted by the Catalan Cinema Academy with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Provincial Councils of Barcelona, ​​Girona, Lleida and Tarragona, the SGAE Foundation and the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.

It constitutes a stable network of theaters in Catalonia that brings 10 Catalan films a year, one each month, to a hundred towns throughout the territory. It reaches places where citizens do not have easy access to big screen offerings, either due to a lack of a movie theater or due to the absence of Catalan programming in nearby movie theaters.

Carnival of l'Espluga de Francolí - Parade of 1000 costumes

Carnival of l'Espluga de Francolí - Parade of 1000 costumes

Celebration: February or March depending on Holy Week dates

(February 10, 2024)

Wild party with a whole series of events over several days that make up the program of the most massive Carnival in Conca de Barberà.

Among others, the arrival of Carnestoltes to the town, as well as the school Carnival, the burial of the Sardine, the Parade of a Thousand Costumes and the subsequent parade to the Casal de l’Espluga Pavilion.

Holy Week events

Holy Week events

Celebration: March or April. Variable dates

The Parish of San Miquel Arcàngel de l’Espluga and the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial of l’Espluga are the entities in charge of organizing the events of Holy Week, among which the Holy Burial procession, the Pasqual Wake, the Stations of the Cross stand out. or the blessing of Ramos. Furthermore, the main entity of the week is the Armed Group of l’Espluga who parade through the streets and squares of the municipality.

Espais vius d'art

Espais vius d'art

Celebration: April – May

(May 11 and 12, 2024)

The City Council of l’Espluga de Francolí organizes Espais Vius d’Art, a local and commercial revitalization initiative, with an artistic and cultural nature in which it is proposed to open the doors of disused commercial premises with artistic proposals and samples of cultural activities .

The municipality converts storefronts and commercial premises without activity into galleries where artists, artisans and entities participate.

Walk from l'Espluga to Prades

Walk from l'Espluga to Prades

Celebration: May 1st

The Walk from l’Espluga to Prades is an activity organized by the hiking section of the Club Atlético Espluguí for more than 25 years.

It is about making the route from l’Espluga to Prades along trails and walking about 21 km with a positive gradient of 840 meters.

International Museum Day

International Museum Day

Celebration: International Day May 18

A day where an attempt is made to close the distance between museums and society, trying to show the public their challenges, following the maxim that “museums are an institution at the service of society and its development”.

In l’Espluga de Francolí the different museums participate in these days offering different proposals to publicize the objectives and cultural proposals that are developed.

No Callarem Festival

No Callarem Festival

Celebration: June 15, 2024

The No Callarem festival was born in April 2018 with a small format and with the aim of raising funds for the resistance fund that serves to face possible sanctions imposed for political reasons on activists, as well as collaborating in donations for causes related to the response. to the judgment of the Process.

A festival self-managed by the youth of l’Espluga de Francolí, with a poster that reaffirms the musical and advocacy objective of the organization.

Rural Pride Festival

Rural Pride Festival

Celebration: From June 24 to 30, 2024


Orgull Espluí is the LGTBIQ+ collective of Conca de Barberà that makes visible all the ways of loving in the rural world.
A diverse group, without schemes or barriers, that was born with the intention of carrying out small actions on an annual basis that are a point of opening to diversity and plurality for the people in our town and our region.

Sant Joan Festival

Sant Joan Festival

Celebration: June 23

The San Juan Festival in l’Espluga de Francolí opens the summer events in the municipality. L’Espluga is, historically, one of the distribution points for the Flame in the Catalan Countries, an initiative that for more than twenty-five years the Club Atlético Espluguí has ​​been ensuring to bring the Canigó Flame to the municipality.

Popular Culture and the Diables de l’Espluga de Francolí, the entity that leads the organization of the events, become the protagonists.

Riubombori Festival

Riubombori Festival

Celebration: July 6, 2024


Riubombori is more than a music festival, an opportunity for the community to enjoy together, celebrating local music and creative talent.

With a warm and friendly atmosphere, this event aims to foster a feeling of belonging and create a unique experience that unites everyone through music.

Attendees will be able to enjoy music in a relaxed and festive atmosphere, while tasting Conca de Barberà wine and local craft beer.

Youth Week

Youth Week

Celebration: third weekend of July

(July 13 to 21, 2024)

Festive, sporting, traditional and participatory events organized by the Auvengüen Youth association.

For a week and under the name Faistiu, the entity organizes activities dedicated to young people, where children and adults can also find their space to enjoy.

Rusc Poetry Festival of the Terra Museum

Rusc Poetry Festival of the Terra Museum

Celebration: July

Organized by the Museo Terra de l’Espluga de Francolí together with Ediciones Poncianes, the Rusc is an intergenerational poetry festival for all audiences, where the youngest voices of the Catalan lyrical scene can be heard alongside established poets with a long career.

Also poems for the little ones with the Rusquet children’s poetry festival, music and verses, workshops for young people and exhibitions.

Major Festival of Saint Abdon and Saint Senén

Major Festival of Saint Abdon and Saint Senén

Celebration: last weekend of July

(July 25 to 29, 2024)

The Main Festival of l’Espluga de Francolí is the town’s festival par excellence. It takes place on the last weekend of July with an extensive program for children, young people and adults.

A wide variety of events fill the festival, highlighting the athletic race, concerts in the afternoon and dances at night, habanera singing, theater, parades with popular culture, sardana dances, sports competitions, activities for children, correfocs and castle of fires

Harvest and DO Conca de Barberà Festival

Harvest and DO Conca de Barberà Festival

Celebration: last weekend of August

(August 23-25, 2024)

With the start of the harvest, l’Espluga de Francolí becomes the epicenter of the Harvest Festival and the DO Conca de Barberà where wineries from the region are the protagonists offering tastings to attendees.

Various educational events, training and dissemination of wine culture are part of the program of activities, such as the celebration and obtaining of the first must, the carrier race, the walk among vineyards, conferences, musical performances and various shows.

FES, Festival of Education for Sustainability at the Museum of Rural Life

FES, Festival of Education for Sustainability at the Museum of Rural Life

Celebration: October

(October 18 and 19, 2024)

Proposal from the Museum of Rural Life and the Carulla Foundation aimed at educational communities, leisure education professionals and families, where for two days we can experience artistic, recreational and pedagogical proposals around cultural education. for sustainability.

For more information:


Events of the National Holiday of Catalonia and Popular Walk of September 11th

Events of the National Holiday of Catalonia and Popular Walk of September 11th

Celebration: September 11

National Holiday of Catalonia, popular walk, reading of the manifesto and institutional event.

In the Plaza de la Vila, the sign is displayed and the starting signal is given, each year along a different route, to the popular walk to the Hermitage of the Santísima Trinidad where the September 11 manifesto is read and ends with a popular food.

Craft Beer Fair and local brewers

Craft Beer Fair and local brewers

Celebration: end of September

(September 21, 2024)

Local artisan brewers, food trucks, pastry chefs, bakers and other local producers with a series of stops and stands, offer several tastings of artisan gastronomic products from the municipality to pair with the beers participating in the exhibition.

Attendees will be able to accompany these gastronomic tastings with various musical proposals or shows for the whole family.

Auvënguen Chestnut Harvest Festival

Auvënguen Chestnut Harvest Festival

Celebration: October 31.

On the eve of All Saints, l’Espluga de Francolí is the headquarters of the Chestnut Tree Festival organized by the Auvënguen Youth Association.

After eating chestnuts and panellets, the doors of the Casal Pavilion are opened to gather hundreds of people from Conca in this party with musical performances or a mobile disco until dawn.

Christmas Parties

Christmas Parties

Celebration: December and January

The little ones in the house are the absolute protagonists of these holidays.

During Christmas Day, the l’Espluga Town Hall organizes a series of recreational and traditional activities, both for children and adults.

Highlights include activities such as “Let’s go find the uncle”, lighting of Christmas lights, children’s shows, concerts, the Espluguí Athletic Club’s Sambenito Race, the arrival of the Home dels Nassos and the parade of SSMM the Kings of the East.

Living Manger

Living Manger

Celebration: even years

December 26, 27 and 28, 2024

A living tradition with a history of nearly 60 years, which has become a great cultural and tourist attraction in Conca de Barberà.

A tour with static human figures and a faithful historical recreation through the old streets of l’Espluga Medieval. The representations of the Living Manger are even years with representations on different days of the Christmas Holidays.

For more information you can consult the website of the Living Nativity Scene of l’Espluga:

Pessebre Vivent de l’Espluga de Francolí



Representation of ”Els Pastorets”

Representation of ”Els Pastorets”

Celebration: odd years

Francolí’s representation of the Pastorets de l’Espluga is one of the most impressive in the Tarragona district. It is performed in odd years at the Gran Teatro del Casal, and it is the Tratea Teatro group that is in charge of bringing the story of Josep M. Folch i Torres to the stage with great public success. You can enjoy this show with the participation of more than a hundred people, including actors and technicians, on December 25 and 30, 2023.


For more information: